The Four Gates

The Four Gates: A Saga of the Human Being on the Path from the Pit of Despair to the Realm of Fulfillment, from confusion to Clarity, Culminating in the Deepest Realization.

Do you long to live a meaningful and fulfilling life, beyond the material pursuits of the American dream? Have you worked hard to achieve success, only to find it leaves you feeling empty? Do you have negative behaviors from which you want to free yourself? In this unique work we are privileged to finally have secret teachings revealed in a way by which they reverberate within, guiding us to live in harmony and achieve fulfillment in Self-realization.

Dr. Vogel tells an evolutionary tale about a wanderer who lives in a world of despair but is inspired by a vision of a life of joy and meaning. He gains the courage to climb out of the pit of despair and travel to that luminous realm. There he meets a guide who helps him unlock four gates. He advances through the realms of Knowledge, the Science of Self, the Meditation of Action, and Love and Devotion, to the Inner Court, the ultimate goal.

The Four Gates, derived from a spontaneous talk given by Dr. Vogel at the Nataraja Yoga Ashram in 1986, includes detailed points of knowledge that guide you on the path to fulfillment by living according to your true identity and thereby freeing yourself from the self-imposed limitations that curtail human lives.

Click Here for our Media Center to view videos and podcasts of Dr. Vogel talking about his new book The Four Gates

P.S. Dr. Vogel is also being interviewed and will be going on a book tour later this year.  We will keep you posted on the latest updates.


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